Saturday, April 21, 2012

Falls, Cliffs, and Nudes

Travel Itinerary
Grants Pass, OR to Toketee Falls, OR via 5N & 138E
Toketee Falls to The Umpqua Hot Springs via 138E
Umpqua Hot Springs to Crater Lake via 138E
Crater Lake to Bend, OR via 97N
6 Hours, 280 Miles

YES! Finally, we did something cool!  We didn't go to the caves, but we did lots of other awesome stuff...

The Toketee (Tuck-et-tee) Falls and some surrounding areas. 

The Umpqua Hot Springs

Hot tubs in the middle of the forest!

They're right on the edge of this cliff that looks down into the river.

We got in them!

Crater Lake

Uh Oh...

*Special note to those who think we're awesome and are totally and completely jealous of all the cool stuff we do.... If you plan on taking a trip like this, when packing remember to think about elevation changes.  We sure as heck didn't.  Remember those pictures where I'm wearing a bathing suit?  There was a good ten feet of snow on the ground when we got to Crater Lake, and these two places are just few miles apart.

Sleeping in Bend, OR


1 comment:

  1. Do you sleep with the car/ heat on all night? Or do you just bundle up at night??
